Digital Twin for Building Owners and Operators

Digital Twin

The era of the construction industry is emerging to a great extent. Nowadays, the process of constructing buildings requires digitization, and that is taken to the next level. Today, we are discussing building owners’ and operators’ approaches to their projects. 

The tools, techniques, and strategy emerge with the latest process, facilitating the complete managerial, operational, and maintenance work. The advantage of undertaking digital twins is that it is beneficial for the entire building project. The art is beyond the traditional construction practice, and the people in the beginning themselves realize it.

The article we are sharing today highlights the information on digital twins and what it means for the building industry today.

The strategy of the digital twin mechanism started in the digital manufacturing, product, and machine industries. It was a practice taken into consideration by big giants such as GE and Siemens. To improve the business outcome and receive a better project result with the prediction that the companies are undertaking a digital twin strategy. It increases the optimum data of the building model and shares the information that is best for the project and its owners.

To understand the work and its details, the very first thing that needs to be understood is what exactly a digital twin consists of. Having said this, it contains three items. In other words, we can say that the digital twin has its three pillars, which are known as its components. These components are a data model, analytics or algorithms, and knowledge.

The undertaking of the digital twin mechanism is highly data-driven and has various techniques involved in it. From AI-driven to PDM technology, all occur in the process. It is an emerging technology that benefits the team and the business project for the owner altogether.

The terminology is meant to be used quite often in the AEC industries. But in a misinterpreted manner. The team here understands trending terms like 3D printing and 3D imaging. To get a detailed view of 3D modeling, industries nowadays are using the word “digital twin,” which is more viable and used in today’s building industry vernacular. To get practical information on the data, the team puts efforts into digital twin services rather than traditional methods and terms. 

Let us proceed further and check on the critical concept of the data that the owner comes around. This process will help understand the work and represent the client’s dilemma. 

Owner’s Demand

It is the building owners who have understood that for having accurate building structure design, there is a necessity to have both geometric model representation and associated metadata of building systems. They require it because they need to check the operational and managerial work all at once. It is that the building owners struggle a lot to get this data in one single way. But with this newest digital twin concept, this issue has been solved, and they get the data as expected in the project.

With the evaluation of this method and technology, the traditional way, as well as the digital twin method, are easily accessible in the project. It helps ignore the inefficient work and practice to maintain the level of detail and accuracy required by the clients. In the construction phase, there are a lot many things that have been ignored, but with the help of accurate data and details in the digital twin, the work gets more accessible, quicker, and faster.

Further, the team understands the work and, based on that, prepares the deliverable of the job with utmost care and precision. Complete building management with a progressive approach is being practiced and featured in work based on the project. Also, the project delivery is done promptly and with 100% data-driven information; if any improvement is required, the same can be done while data understanding.

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Key Concept

The key areas and concepts of the work are smooth and straightforward if appropriately understood. Some of the details are mentioned below.

  • Digital Twin helps improvise the work and increases the speed of design and drawings.
  • It shares the robust data that is best for the project and within the given timeline.
  • It helps work on both traditional and modern methods of the project with high skills and power.
  • From rework to final project delivery, all can be assembled with the help of Digital Twin strategy and process.

Conclusion: The article shared today delivers an essential piece of information that is relatable to the building project. This data set is vital when working on a building project that requires its start to be firm with its end.

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