Digitally managing AEC projects made easy with 5D BIM

5D BIM Services

AEC industries across the globe have expanded to a great extent. The modern technology of the Building Information Modeling process has streamlined the overall idea of getting the construction project to a level of success. The current deliverable of the project with proper use of techniques, strategies, and standards has given the work as expected by the clients. The construction project is undertaken with the acceptance of its different stages and based on that the final outcome is delivered. Having said this, without the integration of 5D BIM services, the cost of the project is not defined.

The undertaking of 5D BIM services includes the involvement of a 3D model along with 4D scheduling and 5D cost management. Hence, it is clear that the process of 5D BIM means having the proper management of the cost of the project. It is an advanced technology that is considered by the AEC industry. The core reason for it is that it helps manage time, resources, and cost that occurs at the logistical construction site and its plan. Also, the use of 5D BIM helps the team to have a proper survey of the quantitative details of the project along with the review of the designs, and drawings. If required the team can then share their view and ideas to make any changes required, which is beneficial for the project as a decision-making tool.

The core detailing of 5D BIM helps extract all the necessary information of the project that assists in sharing the final costing and budgeting of the project. Here the data involves the data taken from 3D BIM models and then adding them into the 4D BIM process which is termed scheduling. However, the development process at the site is being hampered and to it there are multiple reasons. One of them cannot be considered in it. The current use of 5D BIM technology is not fulfilling the requirement of the subcontractor as the core focus is on detailed working and not checking the basic detailing of it. 

The details that the subcontractor receives have appropriate details of the project that are at the large scope. It is the stage that is helping the team meet their basic needs, and requirements and planning to head the contractors to take the process ahead. To ensure that the team does not have any manual processing of the work, it is necessary to undertake the technology of automation. While talking about automating the process the technique uses is Dynamo. Also, with the use of LOD services, the team is able to extract all the necessary data with the approach of approximate quantity instead of exact detailing.

Let us now proceed further and discuss further on the area of knowing what is the aim and objective of the services and how it helps the AEC industries across the globe.

Objective 1: Identify the challenges along with the benefits of implementing 5D BIM in the AEC industry.

Objective 2: Evaluating the integration of 3D BIM services and models in the project.

Objective 3: To develop a 5D BIM-3DP integrated workflow to have the overall cost analysis of the project with accuracy.

Why use 5D BIM for the project?

The next thing that needs to be shared is to know why there is a need to have 5D BIM services integrated into the project. Here is the discussion we bring for you.

(1) The team is able to visualize the overall details of the project at its pre-planning stage. With the use of 5D BIM technology, the team can check the design and match them as per their requirements. If there are any changes required they can share the feedback at the planning stage. This will help the team save time and manpower at the construction site when the project starts at the site.

(2) 5D BIM will help enable the contractor to manage their expectations in a better way. It is the contractor who can visualize and analyze the design, schedule, and utilize the cost of the project with proper visualization. It will help lead and yield the project data at a greater pace along with the best possible project outcome.

(3) Issues, problems, and errors are resolved at the early stage. Also, the art of 5D BIM will allow the visualization of the project to a great extent. Also, the participants of the projects will be proactive to identify the errors in a potential way. It will help resolve the problems and simplify the work.

(4) To understand the project scope and simplify the data the team uses and suggest 5D BIM services. It clearly helps the team to communicate the information that is complex in the project but will also suggest the details to communicate the details by converting the data into proper 3D BIM models.

(5) Project data and its authentication are a must-have for every project. The companies cannot accept any kind of delay in their project. Hence, the use of 5D BIM services helps resolve this problem and overcome the problem with greater outcomes.

The next is to share with you the purpose and methodology used while working with 5D BIM services. To simplify the process the automation process of Dynamo along with Revit software is the best that helps deliver the data of the project as expected by the clients and AEC industries.

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Mars BIM is the leading and trusted name as a BIM outsourcing company for delivering all types of BIM solutions to its clients. The team at the company has vast experience in using the technique and software that are best for the industry and within the market practices. Get in touch with the team to know more about it.

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