Scan To BIM For Reconstruction

Project Details

Area: 8,000 sq.m.
Year: 2015-16
Location: Ireland
Software Used: Revit

About Project

The Scan to BIM project in Ireland is a residential development where MaRS BIM Solutions was tasked with converting point cloud scan data into a comprehensive 3D BIM model. This project underscores our expertise in transforming raw scan data into detailed and accurate BIM models, essential for effective planning and execution in the construction process. The resulting BIM model provided a clear and detailed representation of the existing conditions, facilitating better planning, design coordination, and decision-making for the client. 

Our Client’s Challenge

The client faced significant challenges with the initial stages of the project due to the complexity and volume of the scan data. Without a precise and detailed 3D model, it was difficult to visualize the existing conditions and plan the renovations accurately. The lack of a coherent model made it challenging to identify potential issues and coordinate various design elements, risking delays and cost overruns during construction.

Our Approach And Solution

Looking for BIM Services in Ireland?

MaRS BIM Solutions offers specialized BIM services in Ireland, focusing on precision and efficiency. Reach out to us to support your next project.

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